पशु विज्ञान और पशुधन उत्पादन जर्नल खुला एक्सेस


General Status of Animal Welfare: African Context

Isayas Asefa Kebede*

Animal welfare means how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. There is a great variation in implementation of animal welfare between the developed and developing world. Hence, this review compiles relevant information on status of animal welfare and insight future prospects in developing countries especially in African context. Animal welfare became ‘formal discipline since Brambell report on the welfare of farm animals in 1965, however, some components of the science and ethics existed long before that time. Then, the concepts have been refined, developed and links made to other areas of science. The world Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has adopted many animal welfare standards covering the major livestock production systems in the terrestrial code and aquatic animal health code since 2005. The animal welfare problems in developing countries,specifically in Africa, are severe, widespread and vary from country to country in all domestic and wild animals due to sociopolitical, economic, cultural, and religious backgrounds of each country, as well as previous colonization influence whether it has animal protection legislation and whether these laws are enforced. As any African countries, Ethiopia has not formulated regular ways of awareness creation to the public and is not endorsed to the community what the minimal animal welfare standards to be esteemed. Though several factors have impeded the status of welfare in animals, there is a growing number of new laws and regulations in different developing countries and also seen to be a prerequisite to enhancing business efficiency and food security. In light of current status, developing countries should adopt rules and regulation; create awareness and educate the public and conduct detailed research on animal welfare issues to enhance and brighten the future.