बचपन के मोटापे का जर्नल खुला एक्सेस


Use of the Child and Diet Evaluation Tool (CADET) With Mothers of Preschoolaged Children

Nicole Boucher

Objective: Obtaining a diet history on children is difficult and often inaccurate. This study utilized the Child and Diet Evaluation tool to conduct a 24-diet history on preschoolaged children.

Methods: One-hundred and twenty-six mother/child dyads participated in the study. Each mother competed a demographic data sheet and the Child and Diet Evaluation tool.

Results: The DADET provided a great deal of descriptive data as to what food choices mothers offered their preschool-aged child during a 24- hour period. None of the mothers in the study offered their child the recommended numbers of servings from each food group during the 24 hour-period.

Conclusion: The Child and Diet Evaluation Tool provided a great deal of descriptive data about the food mothers offered their children during a 24-hour period. Mothers found the tool easy to use. The tool lacks the ability to determine the portion sizes.