नैदानिक ​​बाल चिकित्सा त्वचाविज्ञान खुला एक्सेस


Vesicular Palmoplantar Eruption in a 5 Year Old Child

Vindhya R andm Narasimhalu CRV

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a disease of young children but occasionally affects the adults. It usually presents with painful stomatitis caused by oral ulcers, malaise and fever. Few thin walled vesicles with narrow red areola are seen over palms and soles. This case report describes about a 5 year old female child presenting with vesicular lesions over the hands, feet and oral mucosa. The contagious nature of the disease is threatening as the disease primarily affects the children of school going age. Misdiagnosis may involve an inappropriate prescription of medication. Hence awareness of the disease entity is of vital importance amongst the dermatologists, pediatricians, general physicians and dentists, so as to alleviate the suffering of the patient.

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