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"प्राइम स्कॉलर्स" पत्रिकाओं से नवीनतम लेख

मूल लेख
Patterns and Determinants of Recurrence for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma after Resection

Sia Kim, Malinda Itchins, Jennifer Arena, Chris Nahm, Nick Pavlakis, Stephen Clarke, Anthony Gill, Jaswinder S Samra, Anubhav Mittal

बाद में
Constructions of Masculinity and Help-Seeking for Prostate Cancer

Nasreen Ali, Olufikayo Bamidele, Gurch Randhawa, Peter Hoskin and Eilis McCaughan

शोध आलेख
Transformations of q-series using summations formulae

Pradhyot Kumar Mishra and Ravindra Kumar Yadav

Adhesive based upon polyvinyl alcohol and chemical modified oca (Oxalistuberosa) starch

Samantha Borja, Molina Pamela and Vladimi Valle