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"प्राइम स्कॉलर्स" पत्रिकाओं से नवीनतम लेख

शोध आलेख
Educational Strategies to Improve Herpes Zoster Vaccination in Older Adults

Imelda N Forsberg*, Rhonda W Comrie, Debra Jenkins and Deborah Jezuit

शोध आलेख
Exposure to Silver Nanoparticles Affects Biofilm Structure and Adhesiveness

Schmidt H, Thom M, Madzgalla M, Gerbersdorf SU, Metreveli G and W Manz

शोध आलेख
Bioaccumulation of heavy metal in three fresh water fishes caught from cross river system

George Ubong Uwem, Asuquo Francis Emile, Idung Joseph Udo and Andem Andem Bassey