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"प्राइम स्कॉलर्स" पत्रिकाओं से नवीनतम लेख

शोध आलेख
Prevalence of Liver Fluke Infections in Slaughtered Animals in Kirkuk Province, Iraq

Kasim Sakran Abass, Esraa Khalil Ibrahim, Rana Noori Khalaf and Rasha Hisham Esmail

शोध पत्र
The prevalence of co-administration of clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors

Kajal Shrestha, Jeffery David Hughes, Ya Ping Lee, Richard Parsons

शोध आलेख
Investigation of Non-Synonymous Snps in Genes Associated with Oxidative Stress that may be Important in Thyroid Carcinogenesis

Teixeira ES1, Dal’ Bó IF1, Nascimento M1, Leão SLS1, Ferreira Filho AC1, Torres IOS1, Rabi LT1,2, Peres KC1; Cunha LL3, Bufalo NE1,4,5, Ward LS1*