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"प्राइम स्कॉलर्स" पत्रिकाओं से नवीनतम लेख

मूल लेख
Post-Operative Pancreatic Fistula in Pancreatico-Duodenectomy with Pancreato-Gastrostomy using Barbed Sutures

Micaela Piccoli, Bruno Scotto, Barbara Mullineris, Davide Gozzo

सम्मेलन की कार्यवाही
The COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and the psychological symptoms identified by browns and blacks

Breno Bezerra de Andrade1 and Silvana Batista Gaino2

शोध आलेख
Stroke risk assessment for the community by automatic retinal image analysis using fundus photograph

Benny Zee, Jack Lee, Qing Li, Vincent Mok, Alice Kong, Lap-Kin Chiang, Lorna Ng, Yuanyuan Zhuo, Haibo Yu, Zhuoxin Yang

केस का बिबारानी
Dextrose infusion and dramatic deterioration of cerebral malaria: A case report

O.A. Iyamu, A.J. Ugheoke, W.A. Adisa, H.O. Otamere, O. Aigbe, A.P. Ediangbe, D.E.Odiase